HR Certification - Making the Right Choice for You!
Professional certification confirms the legitimacy, credibility, and potential of an individual (Bayer & Lyons, 2019). In a study conducted by the Human Resource Certification Institute (2010, as cited by Bayer & Lyons), professional certification: (1) Adds credibility to the human resource department, inspires more confidence in practices and process, thus providing value to the organization, and (2) Validates that an HR professional has a predetermined level of knowledge, competencies, and experience.
To obtain and sustain the human resource career of their choice, many professionals are faced with increased competition for available positions. Organizations need to ensure whomever they choose possesses the needed competencies. In response to this need, professionals and organizations alike saw a number of professional certifications arise. As with other professions, human resource professionals find themselves choosing from a number of certifications. The primary reasons human resource professionals seek voluntary certification for professional accomplishment are personal satisfaction, demonstration of HR knowledge, and career advancement (Lester, Mencl, Maranto, Bourne, & Keaveny, 2010, p. 283).
Educational programs that offer certificates of completion (often referring to them as certifications) differ from professional certification, as the focus of these programs is education and not attestation of competencies and knowledge. A professional certification has the following characteristics:
- An objective assessment of an individual’s knowledge, skills, experiences, and competencies, using predefined standards and a psychometrically sound.
- Upon successful completion of the assessment, individuals are provided a time-limited credential.
- To maintain credentials, an individual must participate in ongoing professional development.
- Focus is on assessment of professionals and not educational programs, such as those seen in certificate programs offered by colleges and universities. Should educational programs be offered, the assessment process must be independent of any educational programs offered in support.
Human resource professionals have the option of the following professional certifications:
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